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Since fire alarm systems are responsible for detecting fire and fire extinguishing systems are responsible for extinguishing and controlling it, if standard and high-quality equipment are not applied and not performed correctly, these goals would not be achieved.

Failure to apply reliable equipment as well as low level technical performance of fire systems will cause irreparable human and financial losses. Therefore, choosing an equipment supply contractor and performing fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems project is very critical.

Having got the best fire brands of the world, Modamkar Corporation has performed successful projects all over our country, Iran. Design and performing fire alarm systems by Modamkar Corporation is completely based on NFPA standard. This international standard is approved by Iran firefighting department. In order to have safer buildings, NFPA applies efficient laws in performing fire systems.

Modamkar Corporation with a professional and skilled performance team, implements fire security systems projects (automatic alarm and extinguishing) for special, industrial, commercial and residential places.

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