

Protec Fire Detection Plc was created in 1968 and started its work with building fire alarm control centers and producing emergency lights. It was developed gradually and at the moment has more than 1200 staff and 6 offices (except the factory and the main sales office) in different parts of UK for systems marketing, installing, operating, services and maintaining 27/7.

Protec UK: Conventional fire detection and alarm systems, intelligent digital addressable systems, and portable gas fire extinguishing system

Protec is the biggest UK private, independent company in manufacturing fire alarm equipment and buildings safety systems. Moreover, following systems and products are provided by Protec, too:

  • Conventional fire alarm systems including detectors, control centers, manual call points, flash lightings, etc.
  • Smart digital addressable fire alarm systems including various kinds of sensors, control centers of call points, sirens, flash lighting, different kinds of interfaces, etc.
  • Fire detection systems at first levels through air suction with high sensitivity (AFD: Aspiring Fire Detector)
  • Different kinds of emergency lighting systems
  • Public address and voice evacuation systems
  • CCTVs and other security systems
  • Automatic gas fire extinguishing such as FM200, CO2, Argonite, Inergen, Argon, etc.

Protec’s buildings fire and safety systems are certified by:

  • ICEL for Lighting
  • LPS1014 Approved Fire Alarm Installer
  • UL & FM
  • LPCB (EN-54) Approved Products
  • NACOSS ISO9000
  • ISO 9001 & ISO 9002

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